The Winds, they are a changing.


Hoh boy, look at that, Dan’s only gone and fucked off with his 3 month blog absence again, what a huge, gaping surprise to the system that is.

Guess what though? Shit has changed again. Two primary big things so let’s get straight to it.

And before you ask, no, nothing in my love life has changed. It’s still shit.


Our story takes us back nearly three months ago, the tail end of July when I’m rudely awoken by my phone going off…This set of events takes place at nine in the fucking morning might I add.

Heh…..Hello?” I answer groggily, I’m immediately greeted by someone far too chirpy for that time of morning.

Hiiiiii Dan! [Forgotten Name] here from Plymouth Estates! How are you doing today?!”

Already the guys ridiculous optimism fills me with a sense of dread, the immidiate question looms over my head.

When do I have to be out by?

Nooooo noooo it’s nothing bad…….Okay, it’s bad but it’s not your fault”


I’m afraid we’re gonna have to give you your two months”

Long story short. The Library that we lived above closed, as a result we lived above 5 floors of derelict building. It was nice.

Now, said derelict building was to be converted into offices and for some reason you simply can’t live above or in offices. I dunno. I didn’t argue it.

So that was that. My North Hill palace had come to its end. We had two months to find a new place.

We literally found a place about three days before we had to move out, talk about cutting it incredibly fine.

I’m back to where I whence came, the same area I grew up in. I’ve gone seven years without living here only to return. Can’t help but feel the place as a whole is smugly saying “Well look who’s came crawling back”

It’s bittersweet. North Hill was HUGE. Easily the biggest place within budget I’ll ever get, and in addition to this it was literally just us.

The building was on the corner of the street, no neighbours. What’s more we were on the fifth and sixth floor. So loudness would have never been an issue.

As good as that flat was good to us however, it was fucking expensive. Least this was we’re saving an extra £150 a month.

Plus, the house is quaint. It has a fancy look to it, and it has a god damn washing machine, something I’ve gone 6 months without and good god is its return a welcome one.

This however does mark the third time within a year that I’ve moved.

And somehow, this is nothing in comparison to the next change in life……

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